make ︎ (un)learn  ︎ share ︎ speculate ︎ copy-paste ︎ act ︎ stupid ideas ︎ economies ︎all ︎

make ︎ (un)learn  ︎ share ︎ speculate ︎ copy-paste ︎ act ︎ stupid ideas ︎ economies ︎ all ︎  


︎spatial research
︎Haus der Statistik, Berlin 
︎ September 2019
︎︎︎ cooperation with Making Futures, Haus der Statistik

the SPÄTISPÄTI collective was founded during the Making Futures Bauhaus+ Summer School in Berlin in September 2019.
As a “prop” taking the form of a convenient store within Haus der Statistik, the room-within-a-room was transformed into a place for open discussions, of caring for one another, knowledge exchange, bidding, critical consumption and self-initiated performative activities. How can such a place be created in the course of two weeks? How to make an accessible space, which everyone can program, transform, inhabitate?  what do we actually need and can need can be equated with longing? 

images : ©spaetispaeti 

(c) spätispäti , 2025